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TLL Code of Conduct



The parents, guardians, supporters and players of Trumbull Little League represent an impressive cross section of our community.  Parents must take the initiative to make Trumbull Little League successful.  Trumbull Little League is not a club in which membership implies childcare benefits and entertainment privileges.  All persons associated with Trumbull Little League must recognize their actions, and behavior, are often perceived by the public, and our competition, as representative of Trumbull Little League.  Therefore, it is incumbent of all Trumbull Little League parents, players, coaches, and fans to act as ambassadors of our proud organization.


Parents, Guardians, Supporters and Players are expected to be aware of the following:

  • Learn the basic rules of baseball and softball
  • Be positive in any criticisms of the program and be willing to volunteer time    and/or services to effect improvements
  • Demonstrate recognition of the effort expanded by the volunteer personnel by refraining from unsportsmanlike conduct and “grandstand” coaching.
  • Realize that the players are children and need encouragement more than criticism.
  • Applaud good plays, encourage a greater effort, congratulate the winner and encourage the loser.
  • Participate in the end of the game activities (handshake, cheer, clean up, etc)
  • No tobacco use within 100 feet of any playing field


Parents, Guardians, Supporters, Players, Managers, and Coaches must observe the following rules at all games and practices:

  • Only players, coaches, umpires or league officials are allowed on the field at any time.
  • Treat players, coaches, umpires, league officials and other parents with civility and respect.
  • Do not interfere with the ability of a coach to devote their attention to the game or practice.
  • Do not criticize an opposing team, player, coach, and or fans by word of mouth or gesture.
  • No abusive or profane language at any time.
  • No contact with any participant or game official.


Any incident of unsportsmanlike conduct or other violation of Trumbull Little League rules at any game, practice, or league activity is subject to disciplinary action by the Trumbull Little League Board of Directors.  Disciplinary action can be anything from a request to stop, all the way up to expulsion from Trumbull Little League.

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